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Labor market and corona

 Labor market:
-The main driving force of the world civilization is the labor market. the lion's share of the servants of human civilization come from the labor market.

The speed of the labor market:-Among all the dynamic issues in the world, the labor market and a dynamic rotating subject, this market is constantly running with new rotation, environment and consequently.

Labor market human life:- Almost all the needs of daily human life are met from the labor market, so the most necessary field of human life is the labor market.

Labor market + corona:- the highest presence of human group members in the labor market is the largest gathering in the labor market.

Labor market in the possession of the corona:- the driving force of human civilization/ the center of life is the labor market and the spread of the deadly corona is the mass gathering so the human sea/ labor market is in the hands of the corona.

                 Unfamiliar corona,                     Lethal corona,

                                         Contagious corona,                 Perishable corona

Corona:- Corona is a deadly germ that spreads through contact and this germ can enter human body and animal body and affect it very strongly.

Corona panic:- due to the sudden rapid spread of a powerful germ and strong strong effects, the world human civilization is scared and torn apart. death and death fear and terror all over the world.

Labor market devastated:- famous impact on the tendency to spread the unfamiliar germ of corona fast

Unemployed people:- Fatal disease attacks  kill people at all levels of the labor market due to the management of the vandalism, many people become unemployment.

People's lives are in danger:-world society is terrified. people are out of the house. people are in the danger.       


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