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Corona germs + Current human Civilization

 Introduction to Corona:- Corona is a deadly germ that spreads rapidly and it is infection and suffering is very depressing so corona was a matter of panic to the people.

Corona's appearance:-The great challenge of the twentieth century corona epidemic the loss of lives of millions of people in the death of a catastrophic torment of human civilization plagued modern civilization seemed to stand still seeing the terrible from of corona.

Corona effect:- Corona is such a powerful bacterium that spreads very fast and its infection is very complex. the infected person becomes very weak and the risk of death is very high. as a a result, the normal life of the people is disrupted in all areas, including the labor market.

Measles of corona infection:- Corona spreads like a contagious disease, so corona infection spreads through contact with an infected person, the possibility of infection, saliva, phlegm, sweat, breathing, etc. of the infected person.

Symptoms of corona infection:- 1. Unusual sore throat 2. Abnormally runny nose 3. Red eyes 4. Swelling of throat 5. Excessive. excessive cold 6. Excessive feeling of heat 7. Abnormal fever 8. Interruption breathing 9. Numbness of hands and feet 10. Abnormal fatigue of body etc.

Ancillary causes of corona Epidemic:- According to historical sources, Allah has created many diseases and plagues along with human creation in the world to suppress the transgressors and has saved many peoples from many diseases or  epidemics in the past and has saved and even destroyed them. the epidemic has arrived.

Corona epidemic the consequences of human actions:- An analysis of the profound significance of corona shows that corona epidemics and abnormalities have occurred just as people have transgressed in this age

Corona has become an opponent of injustice:- In this age, people have done and are doing injustice to most people, so corona has become an opponent of injustice and is acting like Man has  hurt people unjustly. people have wronged people unjustly, so for good reason, corona has boycotted people and closed their houses and forced them to maintain physical distance. people lied with their mouths hurt people, ate ill-gotten wealth, so don't put masks on people's faces,

Don't be indomitable,                Don't be neutral, 

              Don't be dynamic,                   Don't be free from military power.

Corona's teachings:- People abandoned morality and became indomitable. forgetting both mental and physical purity, corona forced people to wash their hands and face frequently to teach cleanliness.

Self- purification:- the main teaching of coronation is to attain self-purification and to return to Allah surrendering to the creator, the almighty.     


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