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Where is the conscience, where is the man?

 The best court in the world Conscience
:-The most precious and best in the world is the conscience of man because the essential thing in the world is the exchange of human  behavior and conscientious people are the protector of freedom because only conscience makes people aware of their responsibilities.

Man:- Man is strange creature made of flesh and blood, which takes on the from of a situation, but this man can walk in controlled manner, if he has a conscience in him, then man is a man.

Man + Conscience:- Man is an animal if he dos not have a conscience and man is human being if he has a conscience.

Man is controlled by conscience:-Man stays away from all injustices when man is controlled by conscience.

Humans without chains:- Humans can be as indomitable and chains as wild animals when human beings have no conscience, so conscience is the only way to respect human beings in a civilized society.

       Conscience is power, Conscience is peace,

                        conscience is society, 

         conscience is respect,        conscience is independent.

Today's people:- People nowadays are behaving like unscrupulous animals because most of the children in human laps are born unscrupulous, is becoming unscrupulous 

People without conscience:- People without conscience are a threat to the family, society and the state because they are determined to satisfy their own interests without justice and injustice. No matter who is in charge, it is risky.

Consequences of irrationality:-Conscientious objectors, when they are in control of the society and the state, focus on their personal and collective interests of the party or community but the people are harmed and even the common people are unjustly evicted.

Recent unscrupulousness:-In recent times, there has been a horrific reign of unscrupulous global barbarism. One-sided justice, centralization of power, sectarian domination, disenfranchisement of the common people, repression of the rights of the common people.

Ignoring human right:- Human right are being neglected in the ongoing festival of torture, killings and conspiracies and exploitation all over the world, so human rights must be protected now. 

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