Alas, unemployment
Unemployment:- A situation in which a job seeker is willing to work for conventional wages but does not get the job.
Unemployment in a person's life:-Unemployment is a social and mental disorder which has a profound effect on the human brain and makes people weak and depressed. people's normal life is disrupted.
Unemployment in the social life:-Unemployment increases in in the society and shows extreme poverty as result of which the people of the society face various physical, human and social problems and there is unrest in the society.
Unemployment in the state life:-Unemployment has the greatest impact on the state life. unemployment increases in the state. poverty increases. when poverty increases, people become depressed. Its Influence spreads and the respect of the state in the outside world is diminished and the national dignity is ruined.
Unemployment at the international level:- When there is a job crisis in the world market, the international human civilization is threatened and the improved standard of living is affected and the world civilization lags behind.
Alas, unemployment is a life of misery
the maker wants to get rid of unemployment like unemployment
curse of unemployment:- O long night, you become dawn, but what will happen at dawn? for separation, night and day are equal. There are some people in the world who hide their faces at the end of each day thinking that maybe tomorrow will be better but the next day more painful comes a little happiness or a good face and will not be able to see how if the result of this unfortunate achievement and qualification is hostage in the hands of manpower and money, alas, alas, alas, unemployment.
Those responsible for unemployment:- The ruling party of the country, domestic and international capitalist class, national and international level human rights organizations.
Government to solve unemployment:-The role of government in solving unemployment is important because the lion's share of power in a country is in the hands of the government, so it can be solved only if the government sees national interests as greater than party interests.
Action to be taken to solve unemployment:-Expansion of technical education in the country, growth of commercial enterprise in the country, creation of employment according to unemployment statistics, import of advanced training and advanced equipment for new unemployed and creation of heavy industry.
Individual Initiatives:- The last role is to build self employment in private enterprises.
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